LIBEralization MODel for the European Energy Markets

This website gives access to the main input parametres and energy data used in the multimarket energy equilibrium model LIBEMOD. Through navigating the menues on the right information about data sources can be found and data used to calibrate the model can be downloaded. 

The LIBEMOD model has been developed by researchers at the Ragnar Frisch Centre for Economic Research and the Research Department at Statistics Norway. The core LIBEMOD group consists of four people: Finn Roar Aune is in the Research Department at Statistics Norway, Rolf Golombek and Sverre A.C. Kittelsen are at the Ragnar Frisch Centre for Economic Research. Knut Einar Rosendahl worked for a number of years at Statistics Norway, but has since 2013 been employed at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. Rosendahl is still affiliated with the Research Department at Statistics Norway.

The first version of the model used 1996 as the base year. This was then update to year 2000, and the 2000-version of the model became the basis for the book “Liberalizing European Energy Markets: An Economic Analysis”, which was published in 2008. The work leading up to the book was financed mainly by the Norwegian Research Council through the research programs SAMRAM, SAMMEN, SAMSTEMT and PETROPOL.

In 2011 the Frisch Centre became the host institution for the Oslo Centre for Research on Environmentally Friendly Energy (CREE). The development of the current version of LIBEMOD has been financed through CREE’s working package 5. The base year has been updated to 2009 and the model has been expanded along several dimensions.



CREE – Oslo Centre for Research on Environmentally friendly Energy