Presentations 2011

Rapporter, notater, artikler, foredrag på møter/konferanser rettet mot prosjektets målgrupper:
Baldursson, Fridrik Price volatility and risk exposure: on the interaction of quota and product markets. CREE kick-off workshop held in Oslo, September 26-27
Bye, Brita: The next generation of numerical models; - Status of the field, CREE kick-off workshop held in Oslo, September 26-27
Carbone, Jared Embodied Carbon Tariffs NBER Summer Institute, EEE Program, July 2011.
Gerlagh, Reyer Timing of environmental R&D policy. CREE kick-off workshop held in Oslo, September 26-27
Golombek, Rolf. Innovation and diffusion policy Status of the field CREE kick-off workshop held in Oslo, September 26-27
Graabak, Ingeborg: Need for cross border transmission infrastructures in Europe up to 2050 - EMPS analysis results CREE kick-off workshop held in Oslo, September 26-27
Hagem, Cathrine Foredrag: Implementing EU’s renewable target through green certificate markets, Gothenburg University. 06.09.2011. 
Halvorsen, Bente Evaluation of environmental and energy policy measures Status of the field CREE kick-off workshop held in Oslo, September 26-27
Halvorssen, Anita. The climate change negotiations - is there light at the end of the tunnel. CREE Kick-off Workshop, September 2011.
Hoel, Michael The international politics of climate and energy, CREE kick-off workshop held in Oslo, September 26-27
Holtsmark, Bjart On the efficiency gains of emissions trading when climate deals are non-cooperative. CREE kick-off workshop held in Oslo, September 26-27
Holtsmark, Bjart: Er to graders målet realistisk? Foredrag på møte i klimautvalget i Det Norske Videnskapsakademi 28. september 2011.
Kverndokk, Snorre CREE – Oslo Center for Research on Environmentally friendly Energy, presentasjon for Olje- og Energidepartementet, 24. mai 2011.
Kverndokk, Snorre CREE – Oslo Center for Research on Environmentally friendly Energy, presentasjon på NORAD-seminar om naturressursspørsmål i u-land, 12. april 2011.
Lind, Arne Long term techno-economic energy system models: Development and results. CREE kick-off workshop held in Oslo, September 26-27
Liski, Matti FEEM summer school organized with Reyer Gerlagh, July 3-July 10. Topic: recent developments in resource economics. 
Nyborg, Karine Fair weather and other social dilemmas: An experimental study of cooperation, fairness and framing. EAERE-konferanse Rome, Juli 2011
Nyborg, Karine: Bidra eller ikke? Erfaringer fra atferdsøkonomi. Miljøverndepartementet, Oslo, 24. oktober.
Nyborg, Karine: Verdsetting av miljøgoder. En kritisk diskusjon av økonomisk kost-nytteanalyse. Naturviterforum 2011, Sundvollen, 9.november.
Rosendahl, Knut. Einar.: Allocation of emission allowances: Impacts on technology choice, prices and welfare Workshop om diffusjon av klimateknologi, Oslo:  Oktober 2011
Rosendahl, Knut. Einar.: Output-based allocation and investment in clean technologies  EAERE-konferanse, Roma: Juli 2011
Rosendahl, Knut. Einar.: Price and welfare effects of emission quota allocation Nord Amerikansk IAEE-konferanse, Washington DC: Oktober 2011
Rosendahl, Knut. Einar.: Prisen på karbon Foredrag for Utvalg om samfunnsøkonomisk analyse, Oslo: September 2011
Rosendahl, Knut. Einar: Output-based allocation and investment in clean technologies EEA-konferanse, Oslo August 2011
von der Fehr, Nils-Henrik Regulation and market - status of the field (foredrag), CREE kick-off workshop held in Oslo, September 26-27
von der Fehr, Nils-Henrik The impact of renewables on the electricity market design (foredrag), Roma, 5. juli 2011.
Wilhite, Hal Accounting for social and material contributions to energy consumption. CREE kick-off workshop held in Oslo, September 26-27
Winther, Tanja Foredrag: Solar transitions projects in rural India and Africa Presentert under side-event Solar energy: new perspectives on technology development and implementation in rural areas of the South den 11.oktober 2011, arrangert av UiO. Side-eventen ble avholdt på Meteorologisk Institutt i forbindelse med Energy for All konferansen.
Wolfgang, Ove (SINTEF Energy): The EMPS model: Description of methodology and examples from recent energy system studies CREE kick-off workshop held in Oslo, September 26-27
Published June 21, 2017 11:49 AM - Last modified Oct. 3, 2018 11:38 AM