Presentations 2014

Forfattere Tittel Sted, dato
Bye, B.: Contribution to ENTRACTE Task 3.2, Frischsenter and PIK, Entracte Project Progress Meeting, Istanbul 28. June.
Bye, B.: Direct vs. Indirect regulations: A firm level study of the policy impacts on environmental performance, Seminar i Finansdepartementet, 25. August.
Bye, B.: Hvordan skal vi innrette teknologi- og  klimapolitikken? Modeller for endogen teknologiutvikling CREE Seminar, Klima- og miljø departementet, 31. Mars.
Bye, B.: Output-based rebating of carbon taxes when playing with others: competitiveness and welfare considerations, WCERE i Istanbul, 28. June – 2. July.
Bye, B.: SNoW-modellen(e) - Statistics Norway World model(s), og Mulige analyser, CREE Seminar, Klima- og miljødepartementet,, 31. Mars.
Bye, B.: WP 3 ,Supplementary  Instruments – Energy Policies, Entracte Project Progress Meeting, Istanbul 28. June.
Ciccone, Alice.: Is it all about CO2 emissions? The environmental effects of a tax reform for new vehicles in Norway. WP  28 June- 2 July 2014 World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economics (WCERE) 2014 Istanbul, Turkey.14 November 2014 Friday seminar at the department of Economics UiO, 
Ciccone, Alice.: Relation-specific investment in structured bargaining. - 9-14 March 2014 Spring School in Behavioural Economics. The Choice Lab (NHH), Bergen, Norway and Rady School of Management UC San Diego. (Poster session), 7 - 8 March 2014,  CESS 7th Annual Experimental Political Science Conference 2014 at NYU. New York City (NY), USA. 26 - 27 September 2014 9th Nordic Conference on Behavioral and Experimental Economics. Aarus, Denmark.
Fæhn, Taran: En norsk klimapolitikk i samsvar med togradersmålet – global vs. unilateral gjennomføring Seminar i Miljødirektoratet, May 8., 2014
Fæhn, Taran: Innenlandske klimatiltak: Skal vi kutte forbruk eller utvinning av olje? Seminar i Finansdepartementet, April 7., 2014
Fæhn, Taran: Output-based rebating and competitiveness: Optimal unilateral carbon policies when playing with others IAEE/USAEE Conference, New York, 14-18-June 2014
Fæhn, Taran: Output-based rebating of carbon taxes in the neighbor’s backyard: Competitiveness, leakage and welfare CREE Workshop, Lysebu, 22.-23. September 2014
Fæhn, Taran: Prospects for Norwegian Petroleum Extraction and Implications for the Norwegian Economy as a Whole RCN Petrosam2 programme meeting, Lysaker September 1. 2014, RCN meeting, Oslo,  January 31. 2014, Seminar i OED, Oslo, January 10. 2014
Fæhn, Taran: Tre modeller for studier av klimapolitikk Seminar i Klima og miljødepartementet, Oslo 31. mars 2014
Førsund Finn R.: Economics of Pumped-Storage Hydroelectricty. 3rd Annual Advanced Hydropower Generation and Pumped Storage Forum, Berlin 4th – 6th November 2014
Førsund Finn R.: Hveding’s conjecture. The 4th CREE research workshop, Oslo, September 22-23, 2014, at Lysebu
Førsund Finn R.: Hveding’s conjecture: Conditions for aggregating a multiple-plant hydro system to a single plant – single reservoir system, Bergen economics of energy and environment research conference  BEER,   NHH, 12 – 13, May 2014
Førsund Finn R.: Pumped Storage Hydroelectricity.   The IAEE 37th   International Conference June 15-18, 2014, New York City, USA
Golombek, Rolf: Hvor mange målsetninger bør EU har i sin klimapolitikk? Hurtigkonsultasjon om EUs energi- og klimapolitikk med UD, OED og KLD, 26.9.
Golombek, Rolf: Hvordan bør EU støtte utviklingen av CCSteknologier Finansdep, 18.8
Golombek, Rolf: Is there a future for CCS? NIVA, 16.10
Golombek, Rolf: LIBEMOD – Presentasjon av modellen og eksempler på anvendelse. CREE seminar for KLD, 31.3.
Golombek, Rolf: Modeling av uncertainty in the numerical equilibrium model LIBEMOD. Fellesseminar CREE/CICEP/CenSES: Uncertainties in the energy markets. Trondheim 18.11.
Golombek, Rolf: Phasing out nuclear power in Europe. CREE workshop 22.9.
Golombek, Rolf: Phasing out Nuclear Power in Germany - Climate Policy and Energy Market Integration in Europe German Institute for Economic Research (DIW), Berlin, juni
Golombek, Rolf: Presentasjon av LIBEMOD. Idedugnad for horizon 2020 søknad, 6 februar, Oslo. 
Golombek, Rolf: Promotion of CCS in Europe BEEER, Bergen, mai, RERC (Renwable Energy Research Conference), Oslo, juni, World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists , Istanbul, 1. Juli
Golombek, Rolf: Stochastic equilibrium modeling: The impact of uncertainty on the European energy market 14th IAEE European Conference, Rome, oktober
Golombek, Rolf: Virkninger av Europakommisjonens forslag belyst med modellen LIBEMOD CICEP-CREEs brukerseminar: EUs klima- og energipolitikk i 2030, 24. april.
Golombek, Rolf: Virkninger av utfasing av atomkraft i Europa NVE, 16.9
Golombek, Rolf: Virkninger av utfasing av atomkraft i Europa. CREE minibrukerseminar 10.11
Hagem, Cathrine: Hvilken rolle kan økonomiske virkemidler spille i klimapolitikken? Innlegg på SVs landsseminar 25.01.2014
Hagem, Cathrine: Implementing EU’s renewable target through green certificate markets,  Klima og miljødepartementet, 31. Mars.
Hagem, Cathrine: Oil, climate and GPFG Presentation for the expert group on investments in coal and petroleum companies, 18.06.2014.
Hagem, Cathrine: Veien mot lavutslippssamfunnet- klimapolitikk i et lite land, Klima og miljødepartementet, 31. Mars.
Hauge, Karen.E.: Contributing to public goods as individuals vs representatives: Evidence of gender differences. ESA European Meeting, Prague, Czeck Republic, September 4-6.
Hoel, Michael: Good and Bad Climate Policy Instruments The BI semianar on green economics, May 22, 2014
Hoel, Michael: Pareto Improving Climate Policies: Distributing the benefits across generations and regions CREE 4th Research Workshop, Lysebu, Oslo, September 22-23, 2014
Hoel, Michael: Pareto Improving Climate Policy New Developments in the Theory of International Environmental Agreements, Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW), Mannheim, March 27-28, 2014
Hoel, Michael: Pareto Improving Climate Policy Workshop on Cimate Change and Public Goods, FEEM, Venice, June 9-10, 2014
Kittelsen, S.A.C: Promoting CCS in Europe: A case study for green strategic trade policy?, 14th IAEE European Energy Conference, Rome, Italy, October 28-31
Klemetsen Marit E.: The impacts of alternative policy instruments on environmental performance: A firm level study of temporary and persistent effects. CREE Workshop, Lysebu (Oslo), September 22-23 2014.
Klemetsen Marit E.: The impacts of alternative policy instruments on environmental performance: A firm level study of temporary and persistent effects. Mandagslunsj Finansdepartementet (Oslo), August 25 2014
Klemetsen Marit E.: The impacts of alternative policy instruments on environmental performance: A firm level study of temporary and persistent effects. Onsdagslunsj (gruppeseminar), Statistics Norway – Research Seminar, May 28 2014
Klemetsen Marit E.: The impacts of alternative policy instruments on environmental performance: A firm level study of temporary and persistent effects. WCERE, Istanbul, June 28 - July 2 2014
Klemetsen, M.: Direct vs. Indirect regulations: A firm level study of the policy impacts on environmental performance, WCERE I Istanbul, 28. June – 2. July
Kristoffer Midttømme: Environmental policies and network effects, European Economic Association & Econometric Society 2014 Parallel Meetings, August
Kristoffer Midttømme: On the Dynamics of Linking Permit Markets, 3rd Canadian Doctoral and Early Career Workshop in Environmental Economics, Canada May
Kverndokk, Snorre: Climate Change 2014: Mitigation of Climate Change – presentasjon av IPCC-rapporten Finansdepartementet, 12. mai.
Kverndokk, Snorre: Climate Change 2014: Mitigation of Climate ChangeP resentasjon på CREE-lunsj, Frischsenteret, 4. juni.
Kverndokk, Snorre: Development Aid and Climate Finance Ifo Lunchtime Seminar München, 28. mai.
Kverndokk, Snorre: Development aid and climate finance when transfers are not strategically motivated CREE workshop, Lysebu, 22. september.
Kverndokk, Snorre: Etikk- og rettferdighet i klimaarbeidet – lansering av FNs klimapanels tredje delrapport Miljødirektoratet, 13. april.
Kverndokk, Snorre: Hvordan hindre alvorlige klimaendringer? frokostmøte i Samfunnsøkonomenes forening, 29. april.
Kverndokk, Snorre: Intra- and Intergenerational Equity in Climate Policy CREE-CICEP workshop, December 5.
Kverndokk, Snorre: Pareto Improving Climate Policies: Distributing the benefits across generations and regions Onsdagsseminar/CREE-seminar, Frischsenteret, 15. oktober.
Kverndokk, Snorre: Rebound, prebound og lock-in ved energieffektivisering i boliger Vista Analyse, 24. mars.
Kverndokk, Snorre: Rettferdige klimaavtaler Frischsenterets 15. års jubileum, Oslo, 22.januar.
Kverndokk, Snorre: Rettferdighet i klimapolitikken, diskusjon mellom Karen O’Brien, Asuncion Lera St.Clair og Snorre Kverndokk Frokostseminar om innføring i nye rapporter fra FNs Klimapanel, Miljødirektoratet, 7. mars.
Kverndokk, Snorre: The Trade-off between Intra- and Intergenerational Equity in Climate Policy Department of Economics, University of Calgary, 6. februar.
Midttømme, Kristoffer: On the dynamics of cooperation, 4th CREE research workshop, September
Nyborg, Karine: An economist's view on moral responsibility, social norms and environmental behavior. BENN (Behavior, Economics and Nature Network) Workshop, Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm June 2-4.
Nyborg, Karine: Reciprocal Climate Negotiators. Paris Environmental and Energy Economics Seminar (joint initiative of Université Paris 1-Paris School of Economics, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre la Défense, Université Paris Dauphine, Agro ParisTech, Ecole Polytechnique, Ecole des Mines, Ecole des Ponts, CEA, CIRED,  Climate Economics Chair and IFP School), Paris, 13.03.14.
Nyborg, Karine: Reciprocal Climate Negotiators: Balancing Anger Against Even More Anger, CREE Workshop, Lysebu 22-23.09.
Nyborg, Karine: Reciprocal Climate Negotiators: Balancing Anger Against Even More Anger, Departmental seminar, Department of Economics, Lund University.
Nyborg, Karine: Reciprocal Climate Negotiators: Balancing Anger Against Even More Anger.  Advanced Seminar Series in Environmental and Resource Economics, Graduate Institute, Geneva, 30.11.14.
Nyborg, Karine: Reciprocal Climate Negotiators: Balancing Anger Against Even More Anger.  Research seminar, Grantham Institute, London School of Economics, May 28.
Nyborg, Karine: Reciprocal Climate Negotiators: Balancing Anger Against Even More Anger.  World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, Istanbul, July 1.
Nyborg, Karine: What does Cost-Benefit Analysis Really Measure? Workshop on progress and challenges in applied BCA of government policies, Toulouse, 15-16.12.
Rosendahl, K.E.: Carbon leakage: Pay or not pay the polluter?  36th Meeting of the Norwegian Association of Economists (Forskermøtet), BI (Oslo): Januar 2014:
Rosendahl, K.E.: Petroleum Policy as Climate Policy BEEER-konferansen, Bergen: Mai 2014:
van den Bijgaart, Inge M.: The Unilateral Implementation of a Sustainable Growth Path with Directed Technical Change, World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economics, Istanbul, June 28
Voigt, Christina: Building consensus in the UN Climate negotiations, Staff seminar, University of Auckland, New Zealand, October 6, 2014
Voigt, Christina: Environmentally Sustainable Development and Peace: The Role of International Law. International Law and Peace; 2014-04-04 - 2014-04-06, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA
Voigt, Christina: REDDpluss - Building Consensus in the UN climate negotiations. Faglunsj; 2014-03-06, UiO     
Voigt, Christina: Up in the Air - Aviation in the EU Emissions Trading Scheme and the Question of Sovereignty. Faglunsj; 2014-05-21 - 2014-05-21, UiO 
Winther, Tanja.: Globale perspektiver og lokale realiteter: En samfunnsfaglig tilnærming til energiutfordringene. University of Oslo, 25 March.  .
Winther, Tanja.: Hvorfor er kunnskap om mennesker viktig for bærekraftig utvikling? University of Oslo, 10-12 September.
Published Oct. 3, 2018 11:43 AM